19 Rewa Rewa Rd, Whangarei | 09 438 9689

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Dive Weight 1Kg Slotted


The Sea Harvester lead dive weight is a piece of diving equipment used to help divers control their buoyancy underwater. It is designed to be worn on a weight belt or integrated into a buoyancy compensator device (BCD) and is made of lead material. The weight of this particular dive weight is 1kg, which can be adjusted based on the needs of the diver.

It is important to note that using dive weights requires proper training and knowledge of buoyancy control and diving safety. It is also important to follow all regulations and guidelines related to diving and the use of diving equipment.
Packaged and barcoded

Dive Weight 1.5Kg Slotted


The Sea Harvester lead dive weight is a piece of diving equipment used to help divers control their buoyancy underwater. It is designed to be worn on a weight belt or integrated into a buoyancy compensator device (BCD) and is made of lead material. The weight of this particular dive weight is 1kg, which can be adjusted based on the needs of the diver.

It is important to note that using dive weights requires proper training and knowledge of buoyancy control and diving safety. It is also important to follow all regulations and guidelines related to diving and the use of diving equipment.
Dive weight 1.5 kg slotted
Packaged and barcoded

Dive Weight 2.5Kg Slotted


The Sea Harvester lead dive weight is a piece of diving equipment used to help divers control their buoyancy underwater. It is designed to be worn on a weight belt or integrated into a buoyancy compensator device (BCD) and is made of lead material. The weight of this particular dive weight is 1kg, which can be adjusted based on the needs of the diver.

It is important to note that using dive weights requires proper training and knowledge of buoyancy control and diving safety. It is also important to follow all regulations and guidelines related to diving and the use of diving equipment.
2.5kg Slotted Dive weight
Packaged and barcoded